Virtual Hosts


SNI is Currently, as of v1.0.1rc3, not supported

slimHTTP supports working with hosts.
The vhosts have three different modes, which we’ll try to explain here.

Static content mode

Normal operation mode for slimHTTP is to statically deliver anything under web_root using index whenever directory listing is attempted.
This mode is there for the default unless no other mode is specified, and thus one configuration option is required, and that is _web_root.
import slimHTTP

http = slimHTTP.server(slimHTTP.HTTP)

def config(instance):
    return {
        'vhosts' : {
            '' : {
                'web_root' : './vhosts/'

This will deliver anything under ./vhosts/ and jail all requests to that folder [1].

[1]Security issues aside.

reverse proxy mode

To configure a reverse proxy, the proxy definitions must consist of two things,
an addr and a port in the format: “addr:port”.
A simple example would be:
import slimHTTP

http = slimHTTP.server(slimHTTP.HTTP)

def config(instance):
    return {
        'vhosts' : {
            '' : {
                'proxy' : ''
Which will allow outside clients to connect to a internal resource on the IP, via slimHTTP.


There’s an optional flag to proxy definitions, which can be seen under _modules.

module mode

The module is a special python import mechanic.
It supports absolute or relative paths to a module.
The module itself will be import <module> imported with a bit of trickery.
Some more information regarding module entry points can be found under _modules.
But to specify a vhost as a module, simply configure the following:
import slimHTTP

http = slimHTTP.server(slimHTTP.HTTP)

def config(instance):
    return {
        'vhosts' : {
            '' : {
                'module' : './vhosts/'


module mode is also activated when a client requests a URL that ends with .py.

Entry point

There’s no requirements on the module itself.
It can be any valid Python code and it will be executed as if someone did import module. However, there are a optional entry point.
def on_request(request).
on_request will be called if it’s defined, otherwise it won’t.
To access current service instances for decorators, simply import slimHTTP and access the ~slimHTTP.instances.
import slimHTTP

http = slimHTTP.instances[':80']

@http.route('/', vhost='')
def handler(request):


Just make sure you define a vhost=…, otherwise you’ll replace the default context handler.