
Configuration is done by supplying slimHTTP with a dict of options.
A complete example can be found under Example configuration.


There’s startup-sensitive configuration options.
Those are addr and port to set the listening interface.

To delcare addr and port - you have to do it from the startup code:

import slimHTTP

http = slimHTTP.server(slimHTTP.HTTP, addr='', port=8080)

Trying to set it in the runtime configuration will fail, as the server has already setup the socket.bind((addr, port))


All following config options are runtime friendly, they can be changed whenever during normal operation without needing to reload the server. The format for the configuration is a valid python dict:

    'key-one' : 'value',
    'key-two' : 'value'

Where the key is any of the below options, and the value is whatever corresponds to that particular key or option.

Example configuration

import slimHTTP

http = slimHTTP.server(slimHTTP.HTTP)

def config(instance):
    return {
        'web_root' : './vhosts/default',
        'index' : 'index.html',
        'vhosts' : {
            '' : {
                'web_root' : './vhosts/',
                'index' : 'index.html'
            '' : {
                'module' : './vhosts/internal_tests/'
Here, configuration changes after the server has finished starting up.
The same configuration could be given on startup, but is not mandatory.

The configuration changes the default web-root as well as some minor changes
to vhost specific resources.

Global configuration options

Below follows some of the configuration options that are available at all configuration levels.
These can there for be set in vhost scope as well as the base/global scope.


As all other variables, Web roots can be configured in the global and vhost scope.
The paths them selves can be relative or absolute, they will be resolved in runtime.
{'web_root' : './path'}


index can be either a single str of a filename, or
it can be a list of files in which slimHTTP will try them in cronological order.
{'index' : ['index.html', '']}

Vhost specific configuration


vhosts key should be placed in the base configuration and be directly followed by a key representing the name of the domain (FQDN) that slimHTTP should react to.
And the value should be a dict containing any valid slimHTTP configuration.
For instance, for the FQDN the config would be:
    'vhosts' : {
        '' : {
            // config options for
Where the configuration specifics for that domain would be placed instead of the “comment”.
for instance ‘index’ : ‘index.html’ could be added.



module mode is also activated when a client requests a URL that ends with .py.
The module is a key which can tell slimHTTP that instead of using reverse proxy mode or a normal look for a index mode.
slimHTTP should import the script in question, and return the data given by that module. Here’s an example:
    'vhosts' : {
        '' : {
            'module' : './vhosts/'
The exact structure of the module can be anything.
But there are two main entry functions slimHTTP will look for.


The module is reloaded each request.
This means that persistant data or information has to be stored away on each request.
To use a in-memory storage, you could altho not recommended, use something like this in from the above example.
if not 'MyMemStorage' in __builtins__: __builtins__['MyMemStorage'] = {}
if not 'counter' in MyMemStorage: MyMemStorage['counter'] = 0

print(f"The module ran with counter value {MyMemStorage['counter']}. Incremeting value!"")

MyMemStorage['counter'] += 1

Or you could use pickle.dumps or a database to store the data you need between sessions. Although they will be a bit slower considering they’re not working within the application memory space.


if the function on_request is defined (using `hasattr(‘on_request’, <module>)`), slimHTTP will automatically call it upon each request to that vhost.


if @app.route(‘/…’, vhost=’’) is defined, that will take precedence over the on_request if on_request returns data. Otherwise the @app.route will be a fallback.


It’s possible to set up vhost specific routes. These acts as normal REST-like endpoints.
The key difference is that @app.route takes a additional keyword, vhost=:str. And to access it,
you need to get the current server instance so you can decorate it.
import slimHTTP

http = slimHTTP.instances[':80']

@http.route('/', vhost='')
def route_handler(request).
This will server / but only for the given vhost.
And this could serve as a entry-point for vhost specific modules.


Note that the instance depends on the addr and port used, a “listening on every interface on port 80” would be :80 in this case.


Reverse proxy support can be enabled in any vhost.
The reverse proxy will kick in once a valid HTTP header with the Host: <host> field defined.
Upon which slimHTTP will switch from a HTTP_REQUEST to a HTTP_PROXY_REQUEST.


The HTTP_REQUEST object has two pitfalls. One, if the proxy is slow to respond all concurrent HTTP requests to slimHTTP will become slow, since we’re single threaded, it means that the proxy response has to be parsed in full before other requests can come in. The second pitfall being Issue #11.

    'vhosts' : {
        '' : {
            'proxy' : '',
            'ssl' : False
Here, requests are proxied down to on port 80.


The ‘ssl’ : False’ is optional and the default behavior.